
中服質量認證 2023-03-30 18:56



第四版認可規則與第三版認可規則的主要 變化是:
3.完善CB內部體系審核和見證審核要求, 使其更有意義和價值;
4.審核策劃,現場審核實施及審核報告要 求更加規范, 增值于CB, 客戶及IATF.
6.提升對制造過程審核的重要性,審核更 加規范
10.暫停決定和要求更加規范;“落實各項測量!”是核心!第四版認可規則關注所有股東對業績 的測量, 以及如何影響相關結果如如何影 響審核計劃?如何影響審核計劃的執行?如 何影響否決權/ 認證咨詢決定? 所有第四版認可規則要求從2014年4 月1日開始得以全面滿足并且沒有任何偏 差和讓步的予以實施!第四版認可規則期望的結果: 供貨業績與TS認證咨詢相互映證,打 消”誰都可獲證”的觀念!IATF為了加強TS16949的價值和可信度,通過發布認證咨詢導則第四版“提升認證咨詢門檻”【ZT】Site extensions制造現場延伸場地Site extensions as defined previously will no longer exist as part of the ISO/TS 16949certification SCheme.制造現場延伸場地將不再存在于ISO/TS 16949 認證咨詢方案中IATF will withdraw, and therefore make obsolete, the current possibility to include siteextensions effective 1st of April 201
4. IATF 將從2014 年4 月1 日開始撤銷并從而廢除, 目前包含現場延伸場地的的認證咨詢Clients with an existing manufacturing site extension will need to transition this siteextension to a single site between the time period of 1st of April 2014 – 1st of April 201
5.現有制造現場延伸場地的客戶將需要按CB 公告2013-006 所述流程在2014 年4 月1日至2015 年4 月1 日期間將其轉換為單個現場.Different Choices for transition”您可以選擇下列方案之一進行“轉換”:1 Single Site Certification單現場認證咨詢2 Corporate Scheme, if comply with Rules
5.3TüV Rheinland Greater ChinaPage 2 of 7如果滿足認證咨詢規則
5.3 條款關于“集團審核方案”的要求,可與現在主證書相結合,形成“集團審核方案”。Prior to next regularly scheduled audit of the main site, the audit days for the main site andprevious manufacturing site extension shall be recalculated. The purpose of therecalculation of audit days is to separate the previously included headcount of themanufacturing site extension from the headcount of the main manufacturing site. Recordsof the audit day calculation shall be retained as part of the audit records.在主現場的下次例行計劃審核前, 主現場和先前的現場延伸的審核人日都應重新計算. 兩場地的人數分開計算人日計算記錄應作為審核記錄保存.The scheduling of the audit for the previous manufacturing site extension shall comply withthe deadline (Rules
1.1) – audit cycle and shall be an initial certification audit.先前的現場延伸的審核方案計劃應符合規則
1.1-審核周期的期限并應作為初次認證咨詢審核.No stage 1 readiness review is required and the stage 2 days can be reduced equivalentto the minimum number of audit days for recertification audits.不需一階段準備評審, 并且二階段人日可減少到再認證咨詢的最低人日.Significant changes to audit planning審核策劃的顯著變化:Additional 1 hour on site, prior to the opening meeting, for verification of changes tocurrent customer and internal performance data, including a review of current onlinecustomer report and/or scorecards. 首次會議之前額外一(1)個小時,用來現場驗證當前顧客和內部績效數據有無變化,以及當前在線顧客報告和/或顧客記分卡– This shall be shown as a line item in the audit agenda. 應在審核計劃中單獨列出– 1 hour is in addition to the specified 8 hour work day in Rules
5.2 a) whichmakes the first audit day a minimum of 9 hours.這一小時額外于規定的八小時工作日會使第一周有九小時– When calculating the total audit days, this activity is excluded and the 1 hourof time is not entered into the IATF database. 這一小時不在總人日計算內, 不錄入IATF 數據庫– Based upon the information collected, the audit plan may need to beadjusted. 基于收集到的信息, 審核計劃可能需要調整.TüV Rheinland Greater ChinaPage 3 of 7Nonconformity management不符合項管理The certification body shall require the client to submit, within a maximum of sixty (60)calendar days from the closing meeting of the site audit, evidence of the following: 認證咨詢機構應要求客戶在現場審核末次會議后最多六十(60)個日歷日內提交以下內容的證據。a) Implemented correction 已實施的糾正。b) root cause including methodology used, analysis, and results 根本原因,包括所使用的方法、分析和結果。c) Implemented systemic corrective actions to eliminate each nonconformity, includingconsideration of the impact to other similar processes and products, 已實施的用于消除不符合的系統的糾正措施,包括對其他類似過程和iso三體系認證影響的考慮。d) Verification of effectiveness of implemented corrective actions.已實施的糾正措施有效性驗證。The certification body shall review the submitted information and make a decisionregarding acceptability within a maximum of ninety (90) calendar days from the closingmeeting of the site audit.認證咨詢機構應在現場審核末次會議后最多九十(90)個日歷日內評審提交的信息,并對其可接受性作出決定1) If found acceptable, the nonconformity shall be closed and the certification bodyshall verify the effective implementation of the identified corrective actions at the nextaudit.如果可接受,關閉不符合,認證咨詢機構應在下一次審核中驗證已確認糾正措施的有效實施情況。Note: Next audit shall be understood as the next scheduled audit i.e. surveillance orrecertification 注: 下一次審核應理解為下一個計劃的審核, 即監督或再認證咨詢100% resolved 100% 解決When the following conditions have been met:如果滿足以下條件:a) containment of the condition to prevent risk to the customer has been taken,including a review of the systemic impact on the client’s process,已經對情況進行遏制以預防顧客風險,包括評審對客戶過程的系統影響b) documented evidence of an acceptable action plan, instructions, and records todemonstrate the elimination of the nonconformity condition, including a review of theTüV Rheinland Greater ChinaPage 4 of 7systemic impact on the client’s process,有證明消除不符合項的可接受措施計劃、說明和記錄的iso三體系認證化證據,包括評審對客戶過程的系統影響c) scheduled onsite follow-up audit based on the accepted action plan and prior to thenext audit,在下一次審核之前安排了基于已接受措施計劃的現場跟蹤審核d) in situations where 100% resolution has been determined, the certification bodyshall maintain records of the justification.在100%解決已經確定的情況下,認證咨詢機構應保持說明理由的記錄Note: onsite follow up audit shall be understood as an additional audit (thereforeadditional days) conducted before the next scheduled audit, surveillance orrecertification audit注:現場跟蹤審核應理解為在下一次計劃的審核(監督或再認證咨詢)前進行的額外審核(因而額外的人日)In cases where the accepted corrective action plan is found to be not effectivelyimplemented, a new major nonconformity shall be issued against the corrective actionprocess and the previous minor nonconformity reissued as a major nonconformity.如果發現已接受的糾正措施計劃未能有效實施, 針對糾正措施過程應提出新的嚴重不符合項,之前的一般不符合將重新確定為嚴重不符合Note: This will lead to automatic suspension of the certificate 注: 此時證書的暫停自動啟動2) If found not acceptable, the certification body shall resolve the outstanding issueswith the client within a maximum of ninety (90) calendar days from the closing meetingof the audit.如果不可接受,認證咨詢機構應在審核末次會議后最多九十(90)個日歷日內與客戶解決未解決的問題。If resolution cannot be completed, the final audit result shall be considered failedand the IATF database shall be updated. The certification decision shall be negativeand the client shall start over with an initial certification audit.無法解決,最終審核結果應被視為失敗,IATF 數據庫應進行更新。認證咨詢決定應為否定的(見
5.12 a-d 條),客戶應從初次認證咨詢審核(第1 階段準備評審和第2 階段審核)重新開始。The current valid certificate shall be immediately withdrawn當前有效的證書應立即撤銷。A major nonconformity shall require onsite verification of the corrective action. Theonsite verification shall be completed within a maximum of 90 calendar days from theTüV Rheinland Greater ChinaPage 5 of 7closing meeting of the site audit.嚴重不符合的糾正措施應進行現場驗證?,F場驗證應在現場審核末次會議后最多九十(90)個日歷日內完成In cases where the accepted corrective action plan for a major nonconformity is foundto be not effectively implemented, the audit result shall be considered failed, the IATFdatabase shall be updated, and the certificate withdrawn.如果發現針對嚴重不符合的已接受的糾正措施計劃未能有效實施,審核結果應被視為失敗,IATF 數據庫應進行更新,證書也要撤銷.Onsite verification of the corrective action for a minor nonconformity within a maximumof 90 calendar days from the closing meeting of the site audit is at the discretion of thecertification body based on knowledge and experience.在現場審核末次會議后最多九十(90)個日歷日內對一般不符合的糾正措施的現場驗證,由認證咨詢機構根據知識和經驗自主決定In cases where the accepted corrective action plan for a minor nonconformity is foundto be not effectively implemented, a new major nonconformity shall be issued againstthe corrective action process and the previous minor nonconformity reissued as amajor nonconformity.如果發現針對一般不符合的已接受的糾正措施計劃未能有效實施,針對糾正措施過程將會提出新的嚴重不符合,之前的一般不符合將重新確定為嚴重不符合.Note: This will lead to automatic suspension of the certificate注: 此時證書的暫停自動啟動
4.證書內容The content of the certificateThe content of the certificate shall…證書的內容應…include only all design and manufacturing activities for automotive-relatedproducts and services meeting the applicability of ISO/TS 16949 只包括滿足ISO/TS16949 適用性的汽車相關iso三體系認證和服務的全部iso認證和制造活動To ensure consistency, certificate scope statements shall be stated as:為確保一致性,證書范圍描述應為:? “design and manufacturing of widgets”, “零部件的iso認證和制造”? “manufacturing of widgets” or “manufacturer of widgets” “零部件的制造”? “assembly, heat treat, welding, plating, painting, etc. of widgets” “零部件的裝配, 熱處理, 焊接, 電鍍, 噴漆, 等等”TüV Rheinland Greater ChinaPage 6 of 7Shall not include: For the auto industry, Development, Sales, Engineering, Servicing,Warehousing, Sequencing, etc.不應包括: 用于汽車工業, 開發, 銷售, 工程, 服務, 倉儲,排序,等等List on the front page the name of the company being certified and theircomplete address.在首頁列出被認證咨詢公司的iso認證流程建議和完整地址。? Multiple names for a single site are permitted.允許一個現場有多個iso認證流程建議? Name of the company shall be the legal name, not what the client wants thename to say.公司的iso認證流程建議應為法定iso認證流程建議? Complete address includes… (street address, city, state, province, country,postal code).完整地址包括…A postal box as the address is not permitted不允許將郵箱(即:P.O.)做為地址
3. Client 其他體系s & CB membership 其他體系s are not permitted on the certificate.證書上不允許出現客戶標志和CB 成員標識5.Splitting of sites (Automotive vs. Non-automotive) 分離現場 (汽車和非汽車)If a portion of the site is dedicated to automotive, then the headcount from that portion canbe used to determine audit time when the following conditions are met:如果現場的一部分專門用于汽車制造,則在以下條件滿足的情況下,該部分的員工數可用于確定審核時間:- approval from the relevant Oversight office prior to implementation,實施前獲得相關監督辦公室批準- all automotive manufacturing processes are physic中證集團iso認證的王老師 separated from nonautomotivemanufacturing 所有汽車制造過程都與非汽車制造實際分離- personnel working in the automotive manufacturing process areas arecompletely dedicated 在汽車制造過程區域的人員完全致力于汽車制造- all support personnel (onsite or remote) are included in the headcount. Noratios can be applied 所有支持活動的人員包含在員工總數中. 沒有比例一說“Physic中證集團iso認證的王老師 separated” means…”實際分離”意味…- Different floors of a single building 一棟建筑的不同樓層TüV Rheinland Greater ChinaPage 7 of 7- Multiple separate buildings on the property with a single address 同一地址的多棟分離建筑- Manufacturing lines separated by a permanent barrier that encloses thearea 永久隔離物圍出的制造線

iatf 16949第五版認證規則英語怎么說?


Automotive Certification Scheme for IATF6949 (IATF16949汽車認證咨詢方案)Rules for achieving and maintaining IATF recognition (獲得并保持IATF認可的規則)5th Edition, 1st November 2016 (2016年11月01日 第五版)



證書將在iso22003及iso guide 65 (iso三體系認證認證咨詢)的標準下獲得認可,為組織提供完整的食品安全管理體系。 食品安全公共可獲取規范(pas) 220:2008增補了對應用于iso22000標準的前提計劃使后者更加完整并使其符合全球食品安全倡議(gfsi)組織的要求基準。 fssc 22000 的頒布意味食品安全標準向統一化及全球認可更邁近了一步。fssc22000 結合了iso 22000:2005 食品安全管理體系、pas 220:2008 及其他附加要求。其內容也被全球食品安全倡議(gfsi)認可。gfsi 旨在維持食品安全管理方案的基準審核流程,以實現食品安全標準的統一。同時,通過采納全球零售商公認且普遍認同的 gfsi 標準,有利于促進整個食品供應鏈的成本效率。 在2001 年,國際標準化組織(iso)在haccp 認證咨詢基礎上,開始為食品行業制定可審核的標準,并于2005 年發布了iso22000:2005。該標準的目的是為那些需要達到眾多不同全球食品安全要求的企業,明晰食品安全管理要求。然而由于前提方案內容欠缺,iso 22000:2005 當時并沒有被 gfsi 認可。為了改進內容,一些來自大型跨單位業的專家對 iso22000:2005 做出了補充,也就是大家所熟知的公共可用規范(pas 220:2008)于2008 年生效。 gfsi 認可了iso 22000:2005 和pas220:2008 的整合,但是同時也要求建立一個行業體系:注重法規和客戶要求的同時,監控兩個標準的整合。在結合了iso 22000:200
5、pas 220:2008及其他一些法規和客戶要求后,食品安全認證咨詢基金會(foundation for foodsafety certification)推出了fssc22000,并由gfsi 于2009 年5 月作為食品安全管理的全球基準而通過。該標準一經全面實施,fssc 22000 將成為gfsi 認可的第六項常規標準。這項舉措將在全球范圍內降低供應鏈的采購成本并提升一致性,同時提高最終用戶對第三方認證咨詢的信心,并提供更多的靈活性及選擇性。 fssc 22000 是一項全球性的、可審核的食品安全管理體系標準,結合了良好操作規范(gmp)、haccp 以及其他管理體系要求。fssc 22000 為食品企業提供了一套全球認可的標準,證明其已建立全面的管理體系,并充分滿足顧客及行業法規在食品安全方面的要求。此標準在iso認證之初就考慮到涵蓋食品供應鏈的所有過程,無論是直接還是間接和最終iso三體系認證相關。它為食品供應鏈上的企業提供了統一的食品安全管理方法,并易于被處于食品供應鏈不同環節的組織接受、實施及審核。



當然不可以 內審員證書是針對個人的一個證書 你有內審員證書只能說明你比較熟悉體系運行的情況 可以作為你們公司內部自己的審核員來管理日常的體系運行 QMS證書是一種質量管理體系認證咨詢 這個證書能表明你們公司是否通過ISO9001這個認證咨詢 這個證書是你們公司對外經營所需要的一種榮譽資質

不能。 內審員證是你個人的,說明你有審核企業內部質量管理體系運行的資質。 QMS證書是公司通過認證咨詢的證書。

2、QMS證書是一種質量管理體系認證咨詢 這個證書能表明你們公司是否通過ISO9001這個認證咨詢 這個證書是你們公司對外經營所需要的一種榮譽資質。




上一篇 :新余iso9000質量體系認證流程,新余iso9000認證流程
